Assalamualaikum u ols, da singgah, sudila follow ye, i will follow u back..lau yang xsuka tu xpayah la nk ckp bukan2 kt cni, boleh je terus tekan butang pangkah tu,mekaceh ^_^

my cayunks!! =)

Common Expressions in English

pagi tadi duk cibok wat slide utk presentation, godeh2 , terjumpe psal common expressions in English. Ni expression biase yg slalu dgunakn dorang in daily life. Interesting!! \(^O^)/

nk tw x? So, dsbabkn cik bery ase cm budak bek hr ni..cik bery nk share la ngn korang, hehe

Common Expressions in English:

  1. get the ball rolling - to start something
  2. i'm broke - have no money
  3. sleep on it - will think of something
  4. give me a hand - ask for help
  5. sharp! - exactly
  6. in ages - for a long time
  7. take it easy - relax
  8. like the back of my hand - things that very familiar 
  9. sick and tired - i don't like to do it anymore

then, apa lagi..jom speaking!!

i'm sick and tired of doing this slide presentation...hoho :p (correct me if i'm wrong k, ngee)

ok guys, DAA!! :)

cik beRy caYunK koRang keTat-keTat !! suke?? like laa, ^_^

my sunShine

hye cumer!! >_<

hri ni ase mcm nk start ngan madah cintan cintun laa ceket..
korang xkesah pom kn3???

u know dat..3 things dat i really want in a relationship:
eyes dat won't cry
lips dat won't lie &
love dat won't die.

but dear, now i eyes xkan mampu menahan ble dat tear is out :'(
but don't worry dear..not bcoz of rse mnderita, kcewa or rse saket hati dgn u..
u make me very happy wif that tears :D

Thanks A Lot SAYANG!!
i miss u so much~

cik beRy caYunK koRang keTat-keTat !! suke?? like laa, ^_^